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Dot to Dot (2019)

Water Color, Pen, and Ink

180 * 40 in

part of Just a Small

Hell Train (2017)

Water Color, Pen, and Ink

90 * 7.25 in

Mandala Zoetrope (2017)

Water Color and Pen

10*10 in

Blue Flower Mandala (2015)

Water Color and Pen

14*14 in

Red Bunny Mandala (2015)

Water Color and Pen

9*9 in

Inside (2017)

Water Color and Pen

10*13 in

Little Women (2017)

Book Cover Design

Water Color, Pen, Digital

Aesop's Fable- The Hart and the Vine (2014)

Pen/ 5*7 in

A Hart, who was mercilessly pursued by hunters, hid himself among the branches of a vine. When the hunters passed by without discovering him and he thought that the coast

was clear, be began browsing upon the leaves that had concealed him. But one of the hunters, attracted by the rustling of the leaves, turned around, and guessing where their prey was, shot into the bush and killed him.

As the hart was dying, he uttered these last words: “This is what I justly deserve for being so ungrateful and injuring the vine that protected me when I was in danger.”

Respect the hand that feeds.

Sanitation Comic (2020)

Series of comic for a sanitation campaign

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